There has been a lot of discussion on downtown economic development. What about the businesses outside of the downtown area? How are they being helped?
It is important to pay attention to all of the businesses in our city. We need a good economic base and a vibrant downtown. For many years the focus has been strictly on the industrial park at the edge of town, ignoring our city center. I spend a lot of time visiting our industrial business leaders, learning about their concerns and how the city can help them. In addition, it is important to pay attention to our downtown district. This is not an either / or decision. Both must be vibrant for us to be a healthy vibrant city.
We have economic incentives including a revolving loan fund available to all businesses in Columbus. It provides low interest lending to businesses that create jobs. There are also simple things that can make a difference to a business' success. Plowing the streets in the downtown area makes it easier for folks to pick up their prescriptions at the local drug store. Putting in a sidewalk in the industrial area will make it safer for pedestrians to get to the bowling alley and McDonalds. The new streetlights at the Dix Street intersection will make that entire area much safer for traffic.
We continue to look for ways to help improve the infrastructure that supports our business partners in the City.